There's a story from the Fulham Chronicle that's gone viral among the QPR internet community. It's suggesting the 20011/12 season ticket prices will go up by 35%. Note that's the SEASON TICKET prices, for a season that will comprise 4 fewer games than the one just gone. This would mean match prices shooting through the roof. I've done some maths to demonstrate how, but first, here's a link to the story in question:
Here come the maths:
This year's adult prices were:
Platinum £699 per season ticket or £35 per match
Gold £599 per season ticket or £30 per match
Silver £525 per season ticket or £25 per match
Bronze £450 per season ticket or £20 per match
Ok let's interpret this story as a 35% increase in each season ticket (which is what it says after all).
So that's new season ticket prices of (to nearest pound)
Platinum £944
Gold £809
Silver £709
Bronze £608
Let's assume they've cut the number of free games to just one for all season tickets (which they might do given that there are only 19 games).
So divide those numbers by 18 for the approximate match prices.
Platinum £52
Gold £45
Silver £39
Bronze £34
And just to see how badly this would stitch up pay on the day fans let's look at the ratio between the old match prices and these estimates.
Note that this would be a minimum for match prices unless they'd be evil enough to make season ticket prices more expensive than paying for all the games individually.
Platinum - 52:35 = 49% increase
Gold - 45:30 = 50% increase
Silver - 39:25 = 56% increase
Bronze - 34:20 = 70% increase
Ok so this indicates the following possibilities.
1) The club haven't thought this through and will surely rethink following feedback from the fans.
2) The club have thought this through but
a)either don't care or
b) can't see any other way to give Neil Warnock the transfer funds he needs - (unlikely given the TV money)
3) The report is wrong.
My opinion is that the order of likelihood of these possibilities starting with the most likely is
3, 2a, 1, 2b.
And I really think it's 3.
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